Day 10: find a supporter

Day 10: find a supporter

It’s been a while! I figured it had been a while since I had updated you on my challenge, so here are some thoughts that have been jostling around my head. Today, I watched a documentary on YouTube called “Vegan: Everyday Stories” by Northwest Veg. I definitely...
30-day challenge: Vegan style

30-day challenge: Vegan style

For about a year now, I’ve been fascinated by the idea of veganism. I follow a few vegans religiously on YouTube, and I’m always impressed by how energetic and healthy they appear. I’ve watched so many documentaries about food (can I just say, I love...
My food staples

My food staples

Within the short time that I’ve been vegetarian, I’ve figured out a couple things. One is that it is hard to eat out and be vegetarian. Some restaurants offer more options than ever before, but there are only so many black bean burgers I can eat. Because of this, I...
Is Being Vegetarian Worth It?

Is Being Vegetarian Worth It?

Is being vegetarian worth it? As a vegetarian, I wonder this all the time. I have to recommit to vegetarianism constantly. The real question is, “What is it worth?” It depends on what the “it” is that you are giving up. Becoming vegetarian can...
Why I Chose Vegetarianism

Why I Chose Vegetarianism

My Story When I was in high school, one of my friends became a vegetarian. Everyone noticed when she brought simple, meatless lunches to school. For some reason, this was a big deal, and everyone felt they were entitled to say something. Despite the ridicule, she...

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