15 positive quotes for when you feel defeated

15 positive quotes for when you feel defeated

Life sucks sometimes. Sure, it can be wonderful and exciting, but it also has a way of pummeling us down again and again. No matter what the world throws at you, don’t give up. I hope that when you feel defeated, you’ll remember some of the words below....
Plan with me: May bullet journal

Plan with me: May bullet journal

I don’t even know what happened with April. It was there one minute and gone the next. That’s what you get when everyone’s stuck in quarantine. This month, I added in a little something extra to help deal with staying at home all day. I’ll...
How to overcome your fear of failure

How to overcome your fear of failure

Nothing prevents most people from achieving their goals more than the fear of failure. It’s one of those things we all have to face. And, in most situations, it’s healthy. After all, fear is what keeps us from touching a hot stove or crossing a busy street. Definitely...
Daily planner printable for life balance

Daily planner printable for life balance

I’ve found that most planners are tailored toward productivity (which I totally understand). However, sometimes, I just want to add a few spaces for my mental health. I need to add fun things to look forward to throughout the day. That’s why I put together...

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