Are you overwhelmed with everything you have to do to be labeled as, “successful?” What does your schedule look like? Is it overflowing with commitments and tasks? We complicate life looking for success when, really, peace is found in simplicity.  Instead of doing more, find power in less.

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”

-Hans Hofmann

If you haven’t read the first two posts in this series, check out another 15 ways to simplify your life and 20 ways to simplify at home. As well, at the end of this post, I’ll add a compiled list of all 46 ways to simplify your life.

Physical health

1. Set out exercise clothes the night before

One less thing to think about in the morning haze. Often, this is one of the small things that prevents us from actually exercising. Take away the groggy, morning decision to work out, and you’ll be less likely to roll over in bed for another 30 minutes.

2. Get a water bottle and keep it near your desk

Having this in your peripherals reminds you to drink often. I keep one by my desk and stay hydrated all day long. Plus, it’s nice to have it by me so I don’t stand up every few minutes to get a glass of water and distract myself.

11 easy ways to simplify for your health

3. Eat your fruit and vegetables

I added this to the list because you’ll need doctors and medication less often when you follow a healthy diet. Odds are, you probably don’t eat fruit and vegetables nearly as much as you think you do. Keep them near your workspace to snack on rather than chips.

4. Use your car less

If you don’t live in the city, this is tougher, however, not only will you get more exercise, but you’ll notice details you never could in a car because of the pace. After moving to Chicago, I’ve noticed small things I never saw when I had a car. I feel like each outing is a journey rather than a task to be completed.

5. Eat a salad every day

First, this eliminates decision-making which could take half your lunch hour, and second, it’s healthy. I did this the first summer I became vegan, and not only was it easy to quickly make a delicious meal, but I felt better too. I had more energy because I was treating my body kindly.

11 easy ways to simplify for your health

6. Spend twice as much time outside

If you only get outside for the commute, take a walk during your lunch hour. Business Insider wrote about 11 scientific reasons to spend more time outside, some of which were restored mental health, stress relief, improved concentration, and immune system boost. Check out their sources from scientific journals.


Social health

7. Spend time alone

Read a book, work on a fun project, or explore your town. Time without being bombarded by other’s perspectives can be relieving.

11 easy ways to simplify for your health

8. Spend time with loved ones

Although we all need time alone, we also need time to interact with others. Make this quality time. Put away the phones and have a deep conversation. Make sure they can feel your love, and they’ll reciprocate.

9. Simplify gatherings

When we get together with friends, sometimes we make gatherings so complicated and prep for hours. Instead of cooking a whole meal for guests, invite them to bring a dessert or go out to eat. Or get together without food involved, like a hike or game night, and you’ll have almost nothing to prep. Less work, more time for the quality time.

10. Spend less time with negative people

I’ve found the adage “you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with” to be true in my life. People have a huge effect on how you think and act. Don’t let others pull you down. In addition to this, don’t be the one that pulls others down either. Determine to stop complaining. Look for the positive.

11. Forgive someone of a grudge you’ve been holding

Forgiveness will lift a burden of negativity and pain you didn’t know you were carrying. Someone hurt me a few years ago, and while I was able to forgive them in time, I found forgiving myself for my actions took significantly more time. Remember to forgive yourself as well as others. Forgiveness may take time, but I promise it is worth every effort.


What change will you make in your life today?

Signature the art of pure living

All 46 tips!

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11 easy ways to simplify for your health



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