Reset your week in 9 steps

Reset your week in 9 steps

Each year, we set off with intentions to accomplish the world. We set high goals that will stretch us. We pile on responsibilities we probably don’t need. Soon, we meander off into greener pastures (to nicer looking goals) that seem pristine in possibility and forget...
11 easy ways to simplify for your health

11 easy ways to simplify for your health

Are you overwhelmed with everything you have to do to be labeled as, “successful?” What does your schedule look like? Is it overflowing with commitments and tasks? We complicate life looking for success when, really, peace is found in simplicity. ...
20 easy ways to simplify at home

20 easy ways to simplify at home

Life becomes complicated quickly. Schoolwork, jobs, family, community obligations, and a million other things fight for our attention. We are pulled in a million directions, expected to do more and more. The world is lying to you. Peace is not found in achieving more....
15 easy ways to simplify your life

15 easy ways to simplify your life

A little after Christmas, I bought a Christmas basil planter kit that was on sale at Target. I’ve only tried to keep a plant once before, and a friend who was a horticulture major told me I had loved it to death. Apparently, plants don’t need a constant stream of...
How to be productive when motivation is at zero

How to be productive when motivation is at zero

Lately, I’ve been feeling unmotivated. It comes in annoyingly consistent waves. I can be on task and focused for three days and then drag my feet the next three. I’m definitely the type of person that throws themselves into projects they are excited about and...

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